Vitamin Supplements For Skin Health
Written by Kerry Benjamin

You are what you eat has never been truer than it is when it comes to your skin. Binge on salty foods or lots of booze and you’re going to see the effects on your skin first. With the holiday season of overindulging upon us, you might notice your skin displaying signs of inflammation,oiliness and dullness.
While loading up on veggies can help counteract these skin signs, I also like adding a few key vitamin supplements to keep my skin in tip-top shape.
The same vitamin that can help ward off a cold is also a powerful skin supplement,both when taken internally and applied topically. Some studies show that vitamin C, when taken internally, may help prevent photo-damage. It also helps your body fight the effects of inflammation and combat free radical damage.
This supplement is high in omega-6 fatty acids, which is essential to skin health. It is especially beneficial in treating inflammatory skin conditions like eczema,psoriasis, and acne.
An essential trace element, very small amounts of zinc are necessary to many of your body’s essential functions. People who suffer from acne are often zinc deficient, so if blemishes are a concern for you, you may want to try adding a zinc supplement. It works by controlling oil, boosting skin healing, and preventing inflammation. Be sure to follow all doctor and labeling recommendations—taking too much zinc can also be a risk to your health.
Lysine is an essential amino acid that your body needs but cannot produce on its own. It is vital to collagen production, which means it’s an important factor in maintaining skin healing and youthfulness. While most people get enough lysine in their diet, if you suffer from skin issues and decreased immunit, lysine can help.
Before adding any new skin health supplements to your diet, make sure to consult your doctor, who will be able to advise you on the correct dose. Do you have a skin supplement you love? Share in the comments!
About the Author

Kerry Benjamin, a licensed aesthetician, has over 12 years of experience. Kerry is the driving force behind StackedSkincare. As the company's CEO, Kerry has dedicated her career to revolutionizing skincare. Her innovative approach combines peels, serums, and specialized tools toeffectively address a wide range of skin concerns. CA LE license number Z98459.